We are all full of excuses. Just about the only people that are not full of excuses is a Navy Seal. They were broken of excuses through intense training. Most of us don’t have the physical and mental qualifications to become a Navy Seal.
But to win you need to eliminate excuses.
Every time you want to blame someone other than yourself, you need to stop and put $5 in the excuse jar. By the end of the week, you’ll be out of money. That is why you are not a millionaire, yet.
It is very hard habit to break. Trust me, it took me many years. It is harder than alcohol, smoking, junk food, drugs, etc to break the excuse habit. It is the single thing that is holding you back from becoming financially secure.
After that, the art of winning is not hard. Our program will enable winners to become very successful financially. These winners will make their communities stronger, safer, better for everyone in it.
Three simple checklist items.
Turn off the television ad social media. It is brainwashing, reinforcing bad habits.
Start an Excuse Jar. $5 every time you blame someone else for anything. ANYTHING.
Start the 75 Hard Program.