One of the first questions we get is about being a partner. For most folks, this is an entirely new concept. For those in the know, it is just the way business works. But most of us don’t have time or money to go get an MBA (Masters in Business Administration). Quite honestly, you don’t need one either. Let me explain some more.
When you buy a car, you don’t it from Ford directly. You buy it from a dealer. The dealer is the one that bought it from Ford to resell to you.
When you go down to an autoparts store to buy a spark plug. You didn’t buy that AC Delco plug from General Motors. You bought it from your local auto parts store. Unlike the dealership example, auto parts stores are usually too tiny for General Motors. Instead they bought it from a local wholesaler who has a giant warehouse that supplies hundreds, if not thousands of small stores.
This is the way America works.
Of course in the internet world, companies like Amazon or Tesla like to bypass this entire system into a vertically integrated system. Also known as a Monopoly. Sorry for the big words, basically most tech companies are like Tesla Motors. They do not have independent dealers. They do not let local mechanics work on their cars. If you own a Tesla, you to take it to a company store. In some ways this isn’t bad, but in other ways, it reduces opportunities for non-Tesla businesses to exist. There is a ton of really great mechanics that don’t want to work for someone else. Those folks in the Tesla world would not be able to go out and start their own businesses. To hire local folks to work on cars. To figure out new ways of doing it better.
This is like Amazon.
Amazon is awesome in so many ways. But every time you order something from Amazon, that local store has one less dollar to pay its employees. The local city collected a little less tax money to pay for local schools, police and roads. We used to complain how Walmart was killing our communities. Amazon has taken it to a new level of destruction. Worse, low quality, Chinese knockoff dominate Amazon now days.
So as you might have seen from our introduction decks. Gig working services are doing the same thing. They suck 50% our more out of the local communities, to send it off to big cities or foreign countries. To pay rich salaries to their employees and pay their shareholders and board members handsomely. Think about that, 50 cents on the dollar spent on gig platforms leaves your local community to never come back.
With Hefe, 94 cents on the dollar (88% more) stays in your local community. This is how Hefe is different.
You as a partner are an independent business that is free to build your business as you want. Just like that local Ford dealership or local repair shop with Ford trained mechanics is not Ford, but a local business hiring local people.
Like those Ford dealers, we are in a partnership. We can’t tell you how to run your business. So if you want to be one of those bad dealership that treats customers badly, you are free to. But as you know from personal experience, folk won’t come back to you. Even if it means driving clear across the state to buy another truck. I know I have.
In this partnership, we will provide you information. Best practices. Help you network with others. Resources to help you create your own Hefe experience. What we are working to do in this partnership is fight the other platforms, keep the money in our communities. This is our common goal. Some folks will do really well, others will fail. Mind you, the ones that fail, will fail because of personal issues. They’ll complain about everything and anything. Don’t worry, they’ll move on…fail at other things until they wake up. Or not.
Being a partner is pretty simple. It has worked in America for two hundred plus years. It will work for you and your community if you want it to.