Some of you know what this is.
Others are scratching their heads right now, expecting me to start going into some kind of cultish voodoo chant. If you don’t know what this is, it is pretty darn simple. This is a physical board, or a PowerPoint slide, a Miro Board, or a Pinterest board filled with everything that you want for your life.
You know what you want. What you REALLY want out of your life. Those guilty pleasures, the things that bounce around your head always but don't know how to obtain them. Most folks never really obtain them because they have no plan, but you need to know what you want before we talk plans.
Not knowing what you want.
Some of the younger kids feel guilty for wanting things as it is not politically correct to desire things in their lives. Modern social conditioning is creating a new generation of zombie robots that are unhappy and unfulfilled. Their boards are boring and they are not driven to succeed in anything. Without epic goals, it is impossible to push yourself to succeed. That is what the vision board is—that epic goals list.
It is not a bad thing to want things, and it doesn't have to be material things; it could be traveling to places, a dream spouse, a family, or other experiences. All of this is enabled by money. Money may not buy you happiness but does an outstanding job at allowing you to find it. Being poor can really suck, you know it.
These folks that don't know what they want are typically influenced by individuals who have given up on trying to obtain what they want out of life. Naturally, those influencers want to try to make you feel guilty for wanting things that they had once wanted for themselves but could not obtain. As I said, change your friends or change your friends.
Building that Vision Board.
Now let us get back to the task at hand, which is pretty simple. Now that have figured out what you want in your life, go on the internet and find pictures of it. Print them out. Yes, print them out. Then put them someplace that you see them every day. Preferably the first thing when you wake up. It is there to be a constant reminder of what you want, why you want it and when you are going to get it. That "when" part will be the hardest part as it is a hard reminder as we don't feel like we are getting there fast enough. That sense of urgency will enable you to push yourself further and faster. The "what" part will constantly reminds us how much our lives suck, which is a good thing as it is another source of fuel to push you forward.
You need to be highly motivated to change your life. The vision board is a tool to get motivated. Otherwise, life will suck you down into the endless traps that will suck your life and money away—making you old and bitter. Don't be bitter.
Now let’s look at building Hitlists.