The crushing feeling of being an underdog is such a terrible place.
I have been in that place, I know what you feel and how hard it is to escape the gravity of being on the wrong side of winning.
But as we seen time and time again, the underdogs can surprise the world by winning in ways that no one expects for they are not held back by the rules everyone else abides by.
We believe in you, the underdog. The person looking for that one opportunity to prove your worth. Someone that is fed up with never getting that much deserved pay raise. You and I both know that the shiny new college degree is not going to change anything, except put you deeper in the hole. Bachelor of being Broke. Master of nothing useful. Degrees are scams promising life changing opportunity that rarely comes to reality.
As for most business opportunities. The best ones require massive amounts of upfront cash, on top of a mountain of debt to get going. A McDonald’s or Macco Franchise might transform your life, but where are you going to get $200,000 cash upfront? Plus have stellar credit to take on another $800,000 of debt. Only to slave away 16 hours a day, 7 days a week for maybe $150,000 in profit.
So the opportunities for underdogs are usually illegal or pretty bad. Selling supplements, Amway, solar panels, steak knives, whatever is a whole lot of work for very little reward. But almost all of these are a one time transactional deal. You’ll never earn another dollar from that deal that took hours of door knocking, phone calls, etc. The return on time is horrible.
Underdogs have very few good opportunities. Which sucks.
Being an underdog myself that took two decades to claw my way out of the trailer park (yes I once live in a single wide) to being one of the most in demand product leaders in the Fortune 500. But you never forget where you come from, you never turn your back on those people that made you. So I have always had a strong sense of duty to trying to help other underdogs.
Help them, not rob them. Early on we had rich bastard that thought this was so awesome that he wanted to charge $50,000 upfront to get access to the Hefe platform. His point of view is underdogs are losers. Winners are the only people worth talking to. The only way of measuring a winner is the ability to have $50,000 to buy a resale franchise. He lined up lawyers, franchise marketers, the whole nine yards. While at first we were excited of the over night cash opportunity, there was an uneasy feeling of being a selling out. That uneasiness grew, thankfully he was involved in a motorcycle accident before we had to formally sign anything. He and our dignity survived.
Now we have the ability to be authentic and help those we wanted to help in the first place. We believe in you.