First I want to start with our company’s reason for being. What drives us to do what we do. The moral and ethical wrong that we as a company want to fight to make the world a better place. With a goal to recruit soldiers, like yourself, into our cause so we can change it together.
Let me start with a number you probably know…
Let that sink in for a minute or two.
Billions of dollars are taken from hard working people just trying to get by. All that money being handed over to pay investors, executives and spoiled employees. Money that goes to their multi-million dollar homes and fancy vacations. Commuting on luxury buses with Wifi and a Barista onboard. Arriving at fancy hi-rise office buildings in downtown San Francisco. Buildings that the vast majority of us all will never be allowed to set foot in, unless we are cleaning the toilets.
So let’s double click and look at the two biggest names in the Gig economy. I pulled these numbers from their official SEC government filings, you can get these numbers yourself.
Last year, 10 People made $240 Million in one year without spending one minute driving one customer anywhere. $240,000,000.00 Look at all those zeros. Do you have that many zeros in your bank account? How many rides would they have to give in order to make $240M? Do you think that is fair?
More than half a million a year for someone that doesn’t even drive an Uber, much less their own car. But they love looking down on us from their double decker luxury buses and high rise office buildings. Patting themselves on the back for how superior they are over the rest of us.
While the drivers slave away to provide for them and their privilege lives. Spending 70 hours a week behind the wheel to make at most $50,000 a year. From which they still need to pay for gas, insurance, car payments, mobile phone and other expenses. Many drivers make much less and are so desperate for work as they have mouths to feed.
Looking at these numbers, one can’t help to be angry at the inequality.
Adding insult to injury…
Those robot cars are not about the future. They are about greed AND everyone knows it. Forcing drivers to pay for their replacement is morally and ethically wrong. But they don’t care.
And it is not just those two companies…
Gig worker tech companies have invented a new form of theft and slavery. Exploiting those in need to the maximum effect possible. But you knew that already. You may have not seen the numbers before to confirm what you already felt. But you knew.
Ray Dalio talks about Economic Inequality built into the system that needs to be solve. That capitalism needs to be reformed. This is the opportunity to behind that reform now, to rebalance it in a way that benefits the majority, not the minority.
This is what the Hefe Platform wants to go to war against. To fundamentally change the inequities and put the money back into the pockets that need it the most. This is also the way the of the real Silicon Valley. A place that burns down the old empires and replacing them with better companies and technologies that focused on making the future a better place. All while rewarding the people that built the company, not the investors and executives.
This is the mission we are inviting you to join.