Put your skills to work with a side hustle.
Join the Hefe movement and make more money in the evenings, weekends, and days off. You'll earn far more with us than driving a car with those other guys. These are real jobs for real people with real skills.
We are actively expanding in the Bay Area right now. We need to get more skilled folks in place before we make our big spring push for homeowners that have countless small jobs that need to get done. It takes seconds to join our platform and costs you nothing out of pocket. Just click on the button.
Questions and Answers
Commonly asked questions that other folks have asked us.
Do I need a contractors license?
As long as your job is under $500, you do not need a contractor’s license.
Will I get into trouble with my employer?
Most of the side hustle work on Hefe is too small for a regular business to take on but big enough to make it worth your time.
Employers use Hefe.
You might end up with your next full-time job through Hefe. The majority of the jobs on our platform is employers to hire temporary workers in private postings.
I don’t see a lot of jobs.
Most of our jobs today are private gig job postings. We are currently expanding our public gig job section and need more folks like yourself to fill those postings once we start marketing hard.
Quality Advantage..
Now is the best chance to establish a track record of quality work to build a successful business on Hefe. Typically homeowner or business spends $3,000-5,000 a year on Hefe. Some folks earn up to $200/hr equivalent.
Prices and Hours.
We do not set the prices or schedules. You negotiate on pay and schedule. You work as much as you want or as little as you want.
You keep most of the money.
As the old saying goes…
“The company earns a dollar and I earn a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.”
Everyone knows how much those other platforms steal from workers (50% or more). Hefe is different; we want you to keep the majority what you earn. We only charge a tiny fee to run the platform and market on your behalf to get you more work. We have no greedy investors that want to steal from you.
Working for yourself
Make sure you treat your gigs like they are your own customers, because they are your customers. If they like your work, they will keep hiring YOU for more of that great work. Hefe provides the platform for you build your side hustle business that may help you do it full-time.
More questions? Comments? Feedback? Drop us an email.