The Hefe Independent Agent Program
Welcome to the next big opportunity to make our world a better place while providing you a scalable business you can start today.
BUT before we begin this journey, let me be ABSOLUTELY clear on a few things…
At NO POINT will you be asked to SPEND MONEY to make money.
Not One Cent.
You have probably look at a lot of other business opportunities in the past. Most of those opportunities, as you well know, are a “long con” game designed to creatively extract money from your pocket.
This is not that. To prove it, we proving ALL information up front at zero cost. But let me warn you now, it is a lot of information. It will take an hour to read and probably a day or two to digest completely. A bit longer to make it work. So you might want to book mark it now.
Our thinking is that by providing you everything up front, you can judge for yourself if this is something you want to pursue, or not. I don’t want to waste your time, or my time, with something that isn’t going to work out for both of us. So I am providing an epic brain dump for you to judge yourself.
And if you read it all and do want to pursue it, I have made it super simple to get started on your own without my help. Though we are offering free live training and coaching sessions for those who don’t learn by reading or need a little more help. That information is at the bottom of this very long page.
This is NOT for everyone
Let’s be real for a moment. Our Independent Agent Program is not some easy, get rich quick scam. There are no fake videos of paid actors showing off stacks of 5 and 6 figure checks (who sits around with a hundred grand in uncashed checks?). This is not for dreamers that give up at a drop of a dime. Not for individuals that can’t control their emotions and actions. No one is going to just give you those big checks on your first day. Money does not fall out out of the sky. Nor does it come easy (at first).
To be successful with anything in life. You will need epic amounts of discipline. Ungodly amounts of fortitude to face down rejection as you learn how to master your business and local market conditions. It is going to take a mountain of learning, creativity as you have to learn from each interaction of what works and does not work. This is not for those that are emotionally challenged in anyway. It is going to be grueling and tough, but the rewards will be so sweet.
And if you are not ready for this, be completely honest with yourself. Focus on making yourself a better person before starting something you know you will give up on.
Jocko Willink - Discipline Equals Freedom & Extreme Ownership
Becoming Superman - Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds
Discipline & Realty - 75 Hard Website, 75 Hard Book & The RealAF
Mastering Money - Dave Ramsey & Everyday Millionaires
Though we both know you probably won’t read these books or take anything seriously. You are in a trap that only you can get yourself out of it. Besides, the world needs someone to flip burgers. Sorry, don’t mean to insult the hamburger flippers, but that is the cold hard truth.
For the “know it alls” that have read these books. If you are reading this page right now, you haven’t really read those books. Implementing change in your life is harder than just reading about it. So read them again.
Did I scare you off yet?
Or you still want to know more about this opportunity is, which is fair. Let’s start with you and the why you are here part right now. Personal Motivation.

Most folks are stuck in a trap. Trading time for money in a job they absolutely hate and despise. Never earning enough money to really change anything. Every time they get a little ahead, the system pulls them back down to remind them of who is the boss.
These folks are always looking at some kind of side hustle to claw their way out of the trap. But we all know that 99.9% of these hustles are scams, while others are just second jobs with no future (driving for Uber for example). While others just give up, counting their days until they are six under.
The ultimate dream, the goal, is to be able to generate wealth and security from a passive income stream. Money that does not require us to trade our time to a boss or company we hate in order to pay the bills. Money that allows us to pursue our hobbies and interests. To live the life that defines us.
Many have never experienced Passive Income to fully grasp what this truly feels like. To feel like a 5 year old kid again, not bound by the rules that the majority of the world is forced to live by. Not waiting for retirement, getting a social security check that doesn’t pay enough, being far too old to enjoy life even though you have all the time in the world.
This is an opportunity to change the course of your life. For the ambitious and furious to start winning and winning big. When those first passive income deposits hit your bank account, no matter how big or small, it will really feel like winning. That feeling fuels more drive and discipline to make it grow bigger and faster. Until that day comes where you tell your life, your boss “Take This Job And Shove It”.
This will be the biggest day of your adult life.
So What is the Opportunity?
First I want to start with our company’s reason for being. What drives us to do what we do. The moral and ethical wrong that we as a company want to fight to make the world a better place. With a goal to recruit soldiers, like yourself, into our cause so we can change it together.
Let me start with a number you probably know…
Let that sink in for a minute or two.
Billions of dollars are taken from hard working people just trying to get by. All that money being handed over to pay investors, executives and spoiled employees. Money that goes to their multi-million dollar homes and fancy vacations. Commuting on luxury buses with Wifi and a Barista onboard. Arriving at fancy hi-rise office buildings in downtown San Francisco. Buildings that the vast majority of us all will never be allowed to set foot in, unless we are cleaning the toilets.
So let’s double click and look at the two biggest names in the Gig economy. I pulled these numbers from their official SEC government filings, you can get these numbers yourself.
The Executive Theft…
Last year, 10 People made $240 Million in one year without spending one minute driving one customer anywhere. $240,000,000.00 Look at all those zeros. Do you have that many zeros in your bank account? How many rides would they have to give in order to make $240M? Do you think that is fair?
Then there is those spoiled employees…
More than half a million a year for someone that doesn’t even drive an Uber, much less their own car. But they love looking down on us from their double decker luxury buses and high rise office buildings. Patting themselves on the back for how superior they are over the rest of us.
While the drivers slave away to provide for them and their privilege lives. Spending 70 hours a week behind the wheel to make at most $50,000 a year. From which they still need to pay for gas, insurance, car payments, mobile phone and other expenses. Many drivers make much less and are so desperate for work as they have mouths to feed.
Looking at these numbers, one can’t help to be angry at the inequality.
Adding insult to injury…
Those robot cars are not about the future. They are about greed AND everyone knows it. Forcing drivers to pay for their replacement is morally and ethically wrong. But they don’t care.
And it is not just those two companies…
Gig worker tech companies have invented a new form of theft and slavery. Exploiting those in need to the maximum effect possible. But you knew that already. You may have not seen the numbers before to confirm what you already felt. But you knew.
Ray Dalio talks about Economic Inequality built into the system that needs to be solve. That capitalism needs to be reformed. This is the opportunity to behind that reform now, to rebalance it in a way that benefits the majority, not the minority.
This is what the Hefe Platform wants to go to war against. To fundamentally change the inequities and put the money back into the pockets that need it the most. This is also the way the of the real Silicon Valley. A place that burns down the old empires and replacing them with better companies and technologies that focused on making the future a better place. All while rewarding the people that built the company, not the investors and executives.
This is the mission we are inviting you to join.
So What is Hefe?
In one picture…
He could be your husband, father, uncle, grandfather, neighbor, friend. He is one of the the over 30 Million people out of work right now. All trying to figure out how to make ends meet. Trying to put food on the table for their families. Making sure that there is a roof over their heads. The last thing he wants to be doing is giving his earnings to a wealthy individual.
Together, you and I, we are working to help create opportunities and futures for people like him. To fix those inequalities that we highlighted above while enabling them to keep more of their hard earned money. This is what we do.
While we talked about those other apps, we won’t be competing with them right now. If anything, we want to stay off their radar until the time is right. You don’t mess with the billionaires, they have too many lawyers and politicians in their pockets. We need to quietly building up momentum and strength until we have the power to dislodge them.
Also, we want to focused on real jobs that leverage people’s real skills and experiences. While driving is a great entry level job, there is countless of other jobs that pay so much better. Jobs that are prefect for a gig economy now for so many reasons.
HelpING small business restart
Right now, there are so many small businesses, home owners, farmers, churches, etc that can’t afford to hire folks full-time. They need help but can not afford it because life has not returned back to normal.
They have countless small gigs; filling in shifts in the kitchen, repairing a truck, painting a building, harvesting a crop, fixing electrical issues, building stuff or helping people move. There is millions of these kinds of gigs, but there is no one place for all these gigs to be managed.
Sure there is some platforms out there. But they are like vampires sucking the lifeblood out of your community. Not only are they taking too much from the workers, but what they take goes to a city far, far away. Every dollar that leaves you community, does not come back. It is one less dollar for the next person to spend in your community. And that loss adds up so quickly.
We want to making sure as much money stays in your community as possible. So that dollar earn can be spent in your community, creating that next opportunity for that next person.
For those that might have a problem understanding this donut graph.
If someone spent $100 on those other platforms, the worker was given $50 and the other $50 went to the big company to pay for their executives, investors and staff. That $50 leaves your community to never return to help the next person. Did I mention vampires?
With the Hefe platform the worker keeps $95 of the $100 they earned, while we added $5 fee to the business. All said that is 80% more income than they can earn from other platforms. Money they really need to help their families. That is also more dollars staying in the local community to help it grow stronger.
Of that modest fee, this is how it breaks outs.
We split that amount across the bank, our platform cost and the commissions we pay out to you instantly.
Bank Fees. Stripe is our payment processor that provides additional services like fraud protection
Platform Fees. That is our cut of the transaction cost where we pay for everything to make the platform work and grow. Reducing that 50% down to 3%…a 94% reduction in cost. Is that fair enough?
Commissions. This is money to you, the agents. Practically speaking, you are getting 90% of the gross profits from this platform.
Just so we are clear. We are not doing this company to become billionaires. We purposely do not have greedy investors. We have no management fat. We are just a handful of the geeks that have built many multi-billion dollar products for other companies that want to do something different. Something with a bigger purpose and meaning. Something that helps people, not robs from them.
By cutting our costs we are able to give back more and focus on the mission ahead of us.
Together, you and I, we can tear down the Gig industry and reinvent it to be much more fair.
So now let’s talk about what is important to you…your earning potential.
Hefe pays out commissions every time money moves from the left to the right. From the person who hires the gig worker, to the person that works the gig. Each side of the transaction pays its agent instantly.
In this scenario above, the business needs some help that costs $300.
Because the agent has signed up both the business and worker to the Hefe platform, they are earning a commission from both sides of this transaction. This results in $7.50 to their pocket instantly. Now I know that $7.50 doesn’t sound very exciting.
But let’s look at the big picture.
In our local market, one businesses could generate up to $6,000 a year in passive income for the agent. That gig worker could net you an additional $900 each. And that $1,500? That is your agent referral network which we will get to in a minute.
This is a volume game. We had to figured out the right balance between profit for you and bigger market. We could have increased your profits to a much bigger share as one greedy investor suggested. Which would have given you much more of that $300. But by taking so much makes it harder for you to sell and even harder for anyone to adopt. It takes away from the story of being more fair.
With more volume the numbers start looking interesting for you…
In this example, 115 people, could help make you a very comfortable living. The only investment you had was your time to enroll your local business and their workers onto the platform. Sure it was a bit of work getting them onboard and using the app in the beginning. But as you master your art of the deal, the speed you can sell more businesses, workers increase and volume grows. What took you hours before, now takes minutes.
That is when it becomes life changing…
It is simple math, enroll more companies and workers, you win more.
In this example. Think of how many years it would take you to make $780,000. You’d need to make $375/hr in your normal job to earn it in one year. Or if you worked every hour of every day of the year with no sleep, you’d need to make $90/hr to earn that much. Do you even make $90/hr right now? How about $375/hr?
Signing up this many companies and workers is a one time event that pays back over time. Once enrolled and working, they generate passive income for you. From there you can work as hard as you want. Grow it as big as you want, or just keep it small and intimate. You are 100% in control of your life and your earning potential.
Just in case you didn’t read that disclosure in the bottom left corner of these examples. These numbers based on the area of California that we are currently running this app in. Other areas of the country will have different needs, different prices and results. What costs $200 in California may only be worth $50 in Wyoming. This will of course impact your commissions. So you’ll need more volume to make up for the market differences. It is a numbers game.
PLEASE NOTE. To be successful in your local market, you really need to focus on enrolling the hiring side first. No jobs and all workers equals no opportunity and no money. Finding workers is much easier than finding jobs. Also, we have discovered that most hiring folks already have workers in their phone book. Makes it super simple to enroll both sides at once. You will need to keep this in mind as you build up your local market for Hefe. It is a balancing act.
Regarding California AB5 “Gig Worker” Laws. We comply with all three tests of an independent contractors as we have no control or direction of the worker. The worker does engage in work that is outside of Hefe’s usual course of business (which is a job posting board). The workers are engaged in independent trade or business outside of Hefe. We do not set pay rates or do anything that would blur the employment status of workers using the Hefe Platform. They are true independent contractors. We are more like Craig’s List and nothing like Uber, Lyft, Instacart, etc.
So what about the referral network?
Yes, I promised I’d get back to this. Once you are successful, you’ll want to help friends and family become successful agents too. So why can’t you be rewarded from their success?
What had inspired us was that early on, we discovered that there were these super networkers that knew a ton of people that could sell. We really wanted to reward those super networkers for playing a part in our expansion and growth. So going back to the $300 example from earlier. You as a master agent earn $1.50 off of that $300 transaction from one of the agents you referred. Again, it doesn’t sound like a lot, but the volume of transactions matters. You earn, when they earn automagically with little to no effort.
Please note: We currently limit super agents to 3 levels for various reasons.
Sounds Great, How do I start?
We are not going to force you to jump through hoops to join. You don’t need to talk to anyone. You can get started today, right now if you wish.
Go to from your desktop or mobile phone. The Hefe App is not found on the Apple or Google App Stores. We are a hybrid web app, which means we are like a web app that looks and acts like a native app. What those does is allows us to trim a lot of the development and support costs. There is only one version to support instead of three. So that is two thirds fewer mouths to feed on our side. Fewer fees and headaches to Apple and Google as well. Which means more money for you.
If you are running Android, there should be a prompt to install the app to the phone’s desktop. For Apple iPhone & iPad users, we have instructions at the end of app signup on how to “Add to Home Screen” in a couple clicks. The link I provide has instructions for Andriod and Windows. Some Andriod phones from Samsung work different, this link should help those folks.
So once you arrive to the, you should see this login screen.
Signing up to the platform is an automatic when using your Google or Facebook credentials to authenticate. Don’t worry, Google and Facebook will never give us your password. So we can never store this information on our servers which protects everyone. If you ever have your password exploited, it won’t be because of us.
By using these methods of authentication, we can piggyback on Billions of dollars of security investments to make your Hefe account safe. One of many ways we save everyone tons of money. All while making easy to not have one more password to remember.
Once you login in for the first time is super critical to choose “I want to work”.
To become an agent, you’ll need to pick “I want to work” in order for the referral feature to become available to you. The reason behind this is on the billing and payment side. We only allow one way payments, if you can’t receive money, we can’t pay you money.
Of course when you are signing up a business, you’ll want them to pick “I need help” but the referral agent feature will not be available to business side due to billing/payment safety limitations which I will get into in a moment.
You can have accounts on both the hiring side and working side, just use separate Gmail or FaceBook accounts. As an agent, you will probably want to do this so you can demo to prospective businesses you are enrolling.
Of course there is all the registration steps.
We have tried to streamline it as much as possible. For example, we are only asking for your photo id and do a quick background check once during the Stripe financial account setup as part of fraud detection. On other platforms, you’d need to submit your Photo Id much sooner.

Statement on Financial Information
In the registration process, you will have to enter your financial information into Stripe to get paid. With a worker account, we can never take any of your money. It is one-way only, to your pocket. On the business side, they’ll be asked to put information is to enable payment. Which is a one-way out that they control. That is why you selected “I want to work” in the early part of the process.
Also, let me stress, we NEVER store your financial information on our servers.
We use Stripe as an independent, secure financial platform to handle all payments and protect us all from fraud and abuse. They run billions of dollars of transactions on a daily basis. If there is ever any problems with your money, we will work with Stripe to resolve those problems quickly. After all, they do take a third of the transaction fee from our platform.
Also, even though we as Hefe instantly pays you on the transaction. Many times the money will take 2 or more days to be deposited into your actual bank account. This is Stripe’s security and fraud prevention trying to prevent criminals from exploiting the financial network and the Hefe platform. So say a criminal were to steal someone’s financial information and try running a series of fake jobs. Both Hefe and Stripe’s fraud detection would prevent the money being stolen from being deposited into the thief’s account.
These are one of many steps we are taking to ensure the platform stays safe and protects us all from criminal activities. We know we will be targeted, we know we can’t stop everything, but we are doing our absolute best to fight criminals that lurk everywhere.
If you are a would be criminal looking for an exploit, please go somewhere else. We are not evil rich people with deep pockets. We are trying to help real people with real opportunities. We personally take almost no profits, what money we keep goes into supporting and growing the platform. Attacking us only hurts the people that we are trying to help. There is countless of other evil companies you should go after that are actually outright stealing from the people…I can think of a long list of evil companies. And if you do find an exploit, we are more than willing to reward you. But please be reasonable.
Responsibility of Payment. Per the terms and conditions, if there is any problems with payment to the worker, it is the hiring party that is responsible for settling disputes with the workers. We hope this will never happen, but we do know there will be problems, eventually. The Hefe platform will try its best to help resolve the problem, but we don’t have a lot of fat to insure workers from loss of income. This is why it is important as agent that you build personal relationships on the hiring side. You will be able to work faster and better being on the ground there in your community than someone sitting in a remote call center that doesn’t care. You care. They don’t. You can figure out the best solution for all parties.
One last note on financial. Some folks will may not have a bank account right now. Or have other concerns about using their existing bank account on an internet platform. We highly recommend using GreenDot bank for this. The same GreenDot you see at Walmart as prepaid credit cards. We have worked with them for more years now, it takes a couple minutes to setup a brand new bank account with debit card and checking. They won’t kill you fees either. Last time I checked, it was $10/month for a checking account.
Now back to registering to be an Independent Agent…
Once you have complete the registration. Added the bookmark to your home screen for the iPhone users to make it look and operate like an installed app from the Appstore. Now you are ready to sign up to be an agent. We have made this super easy.

Congratulations! You are now a Hefe Independent Agent.
From now on, to invite anyone the platform, all you need to do is send the magic link from the app. It will connect them to your account so you can learn from every transaction. Just so you are clear on what the magic link is, mine is Yours will have a slightly different code that will work in any browser.
You can embed this anywhere and everywhere. In your blog, on a Facebook post, etc. Though don’t expect people to just sign up and become successful. That never happens. You need to create high value content to educate the users. Speaking of which, let’s do a quick tour of the app.
The Hefe Platform 101
There is two sides to Hefe, the hiring side and the worker side. We have tried our hardest to make things as simple and intuitive as possible. Which it is so much easier to make something complex and stupid. Extremely hard to make it simple. Anyhow, let’s look at some quick tours.
Worker Side Quick Tour.

The Hiring side
It is mostly the same as the worker side but has a few critical differences.

Like I mentioned earlier, as an agent, you should create two accounts, one for the hiring side and the other for the worker side. To get comfortable with the Hefe platform, we also recommend that you create temporary public or private job postings in your area. Just be sure to click on “End Contract” to remove it from listings, unless you want to be flooded with applicants.
About Hefe Technologies
Saving the best for last.
So first folks always like to remind us that in Spanish it is Jefe, not Hefe. But most gringos can’t say or grasp the pronunciation of Jefe. Though they know that Jefe means Boss. And that is the point of the name, we want to make everyone the boss. Put everyone in control of their lives while earning more and working less. Also, it is impossible to Trademark “Jefe” so there is that as well.
Also, I invite you to get to know us, the founders, as real people. There is nothing fake about us. At least I don’t think there is. There could be. Maybe you should ask our wives.
Mark Vilimek
Normally, I’d introduce myself upfront since I am the author of this lengthy piece. So I have been writing software since I was 8 years old and designing products professionally for 3 decades with the most prestigious tech companies creating dozens of products, many of them generated billions in revenue. Some of my work can be found in our military and one even flew into outer space. Along the way I have won several design awards, setting some world records, and causing lots of trouble.
You can check out my professional profile here on LinkedIn as well as get glimpses into my personal life on Instagram and Facebook.
Ian Jimmy Chang
Ian is my partner in crime on this venture as well as other crazy ideas. We have known each other for nearly ten years having worked together at Cisco Systems and GE Digital. Ian is a mad genius that runs circles around the smartest of smart techies. Plus he is amazing at gambling, his legendary exploits at the blackjack table has helped fund this company. He is also an awesome forklift driver, growing up in his family’s vitamin supplement manufacturing business.
Check out Ian on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. He is not as active on social media as I am, but you can see he isn’t a Nigerian scammer.
It is our hopes that you made it this far and will want to join us on this epic journey. By joining the cause, you will not only be rewarded for your contributions in cold hard cash, but also deep down in your soul as we together reinvent capitalism to make it more fair for the people. Which is the American Way.
Thank you for your time.
Online Events
Oh, one last thing. Like I mentioned, many of you may want to join us in a live session. Below is our calendar of events and the sign up form to attend. Once signed up, we will send you the links and password to the event.
Current Calendar of Online Events.
Register to attend.